The VIP EMbody Membership

Join us & step into your most LIT UP life as you EMbody your power mentally, physically, emotionally

Hey there! I'm Emily, a certified health & mental wellness coach with a passion for helping women live in full alignment with who they are - physically, mentally, and emotionally - so that they wake up feeling lit up by life and move through the day actually feeling invigorated, confident, loving the life they lead. 

I created The Embody Membership as a community for women who want to go beyond the traditional ways that we think about health and embody the wholeness of who they are - mind, body, soul. This is your space to be seen, heard, and celebrated as you EMBODY your worth and get curious about just how good life can truly be. (PS - it gets to be really, really good).

Join our incredible Embody fam below!☟